Respect the architect..
Proof that the Sandcrawler is not fit for just Jawa habitation: Lucasfilm is constructing its own Sandcrawler in Singapore, although it’s not made of rusting metal nor does it roll through desert landscapes on giant tank-like tracks. Instead, the polished glass and metal structure, centrally located in Fusionopolis, will house Lucasfilm Singapore, ILM Singapore and LucasArts Singapore.
Designed by architectural firm Aedas, the complex will feature eight floors of office space, including a 100-seat movie theater, while the first floor will be occupied by retail stores. (Sadly, it’s doubtful any of them will have protocol droids for sale). In addition to the production facilities will be a public park area with elevated gardens, possibly rivaling the lushness of the Forest Moon of Endor.
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