Hey folks..
You may have noticed that it’s been a little quiet around here lately. The cool thing about that, is that it’s for a good reason. Every year around this time we start working on ways to make Antlife Academy an even more dope experience for everyone that visits. This year is no different. The traffic has gotten crazier by the month, and we thank everyone that drops by and reads with us daily. We love where the site is going and want to bring you even more content that we probably haven’t touched on as of yet.
With there being so many other sites and options out there for you to check in on, we’re pretty grateful that you all choose us and hang here the way you have been. We have a couple of new writers onboard as well, and new labels for content that we think you guys will find awesome. Hang in there and we’ll see you all back soon. We’re shooting to relaunch in about a week or so. Thank you for being patient with us as we rebuild!
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