
Architecture: Itahye Residence by Apiacas Arquitetos


Brazilian architects Apiacas Arquitetos present the Itahye Residence in Santana do Parnaiba, a suburb of Sao Paulo. Because the structure was designed on such a steep site, the architects were allowed to create a three-dimensional home with a relationship to the street and several areas of private exterior retreat. The kitchen and dining area is located on the ground level in a translucent, perpendicular volume at the eastern end of the lot projecting out over the grade. 

Areas that require more privacy, like bedrooms, bathrooms and the living room, are located on the levels below and use natural wood screens to close off the punctuated openings. An internal courtyard leads into all of the concealed rooms and reveals how open the structure truly is is from the inside. Above this open courtyard, a suspended glass bridge directly connects the kitchen and dining area.



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